Currently Fundraising For:
Training in Robotic Surgery
Over the past 2 years, Charlotte El Sayed has been funded by the charity to undertake her research project titled Training in Robotic Surgery. Charlotte is a Specialty Registrar General Surgery and Dukes’ Club/ACPGBI Robotic’s Trainee Representative. The aim of the project...
Currently Fundraising For:
Supporting patients after surgery
Bowel surgery can leave people with challenging physical and emotional issues. Occtopus continues to work with the stoma team, helping them deliver even better care to patients post-surgery. Each year, more than 700 people have surgery to remove their bowel...
Currently Fundraising For:
Funding of research
The Dr Elman Poole legacy We are delighted to share the news that student Yi Zhou has been awarded the Dr Elman Poole legacy, funded by Occtopus, for a three year DPhil research fellowship which looks at epithelial cells and...
Completed Projects