For individuals living with a stoma, finding the right accessories can make a significant difference in comfort, confidence, and overall well-being. Stoma accessories help enhance the functionality of ostomy pouches, improve skin health, and prevent leaks or discomfort. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of stoma accessories available and how they can benefit ostomates.
Available stoma accessories
- Adhesive remover spray or wipes – these help remove the base or bag from the skin and any leftover adhesive after removal
- Barrier cream, powder or wipes – these protect the skin and provide a secure adhesive for the bag.
- Flange extenders (also known as “bananas” and elastic tape) – extenders provide additional adhesion around the edge of the base. Some also come with added manuka honey to help heal sore skin.
- Seals or washes – this is a mouldable ring that goes around the stoma before the bag or base is applied to help fill any gaps and to help reduce the risk of leaks.
- Stoma paste – this is an adhesive “glue” paste used to help fill crevasses and improve adhesion.
- Stoma belt – this is an elasticated belt with clips that attach directly to specific stoma bags for added security.
- Lubricating deodorant – this can be put inside the bag to aid movement to the bottom of the bag and to ease emptying.
- Thickening sachets – these are added to the bag to thicken the contents to control stoma output by thickening it which may help reduce leakage and stoma bag noise.
- Deodorant or odour-eliminating spray – to cover unwanted odours and to help the wearer feel fresh. They are also available in droppers that can be added directly to the ostomy bag or toilet.
- Covers – if you want to, you can even cover the bag in fun, stylish, comfortable personalised covers. Shop from a range on
Finding the right stoma accessories can greatly enhance comfort, convenience, and confidence for individuals with an ostomy. Whether it’s for leak prevention, odour control, skin protection, or added security, there are numerous products available to meet different needs. If you’re unsure which accessories might be best for you, consult with a stoma care nurse or healthcare professional to ensure the right fit and function.
For further advice, call the colorectal team at Churchill Hospital on 01865 234713.