Virtual Q&A with Prof. Mortensen & Prof. Buczacki

18.30-19.00 Monday 28th June on Zoom






Join our colorectal experts Prof. Mortensen and Prof. Buczacki to hear about the latest advances in colorectal treatment and research. Learn about new techniques and technological breakthroughs that will be used by the surgeons of the future.

Neil Mortensen is Professor of Colorectal Surgery in the University of Oxford Medical School and has been on the staff of the Oxford University Hospitals since 1987. He will be joined by Simon Buczacki, the newly appointed Richard Blackwell Pharsalia Professor of Colorectal Surgery at Oxford.

To attend the Q & A next Monday, please email: and we’ll send you the Zoom link.


With thanks to the Oxfordshire Freemasons for supporting the event.

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